Craigweil Dental Practice

NHS Fees
from 1st April 2024 

Band 1 Checkup, x-rays and basic cleaning £26.80
Band 2 Above items plus filling, extraction or RCT £73.50
Band 3 Above items plus crown or denture £319.10
Emergency appointments £26.80
Under 18 years FREE

» can I get free treatment?

Yes. Free NHS treatment is available.

Check the following categories to see if you qualify.

* Income support (or if your partner is on)
* Tax credit exemption (or if your partner is on) or Working Family Tax Credit
* Job seekers allowance (or if your partner is on)
* Disabled Persons Tax Credit
* DSS Certificate or AG1 or AG2
* Pregnant.or baby born under 12 months ago
* Aged 18 & in full time education
* Under 18

» is there any other help if I don’t qualify?

Yes. Help may still be available for NHS charges, particularly if you are a student, pensioner, working part-time or on a low income.

You will need to complete an HC1 form. These are available from our receptionist. On successful application, any charges you have paid will be reimbursed by the DSS. Please keep your receipts.

Alternatively, you may wish to complete the form prior to making an appointment, in which case only the charges outlined in your DSS certificate will need to be paid. Please bring your returned HC1 form with you.